PlanSource HCM – Fall 2022 Release Coming November 3rd!
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PlanSource HCM – Fall 2022 Release Coming November 3rd!

PlanSource HCM’s Fall release is scheduled to be released on November 3rd! Included in this upgrade are several enhancements, updates, and new features designed to make the system more user-friendly and functional. Several of these items were implemented directly from client feedback and suggestions. Please see the below highlights for the Fall 2022 Release:

Automate Process Hires – Requires Manual Activation

Save time by avoiding the manual input of data thanks to a new feature that will automatically post employee records from Process Hires to the UKG Pro solution. Seamlessly append missing data to employee records using field value rules or setting default values, making onboarding new hires or rehires easier than ever. This functionality will be available to U.S. or Canadian employees.

Restore or Delete Hire Records – Automatically Enabled

There used to be no going back when you mistakenly removed a new hire from the Process Hires page during the onboarding process. You’d have to input a case or manually rehire the employee and input each required field again. Not anymore! Our new feature will allow you to restore hires after they’ve initially been deleted. You’ll also be able to filter by deleted hires from the Process Hires page, as well as permanently delete hire records individually or in bulk. Please see the attached SOP that further highlights both exciting new upgrades to the Process Hires feature.

Add Multiple Earnings & Deductions – Automatically Enabled

Entering each earning and deduction on an employee’s check, one by one, can be tedious. With this new update, make changes to Pay Data Entry on an employee’s check or standard adjustment in just a few clicks. Payroll administrators will be able to select multiple earning or deduction codes at once, rather than having to add each code individually. And when adding an earning code, you’ll also have the option to request the creation of multiple rows of the same earning code.

Updated Employee Notes Visibility – Automatically Enabled

Employees and managers will notice updated visibility options for employee notes added to the Talent Profile, Reviews, Goals, and Competencies in the UKG Pro Performance Reviews solution. This enhancement will change the default visibility of employee notes from “Only Me” to “Anyone” and will also default them to being “Visible from Review,” so they’re easily accessible during a performance review.

Archive Direct Deposit – New Enhancement 

An Archive button for Direct Deposit accounts was released during the Spring 2022 Release to archive direct deposit accounts on the employee profile. From the employee Direct Deposit page for employees (Myself > Pay > Direct Deposit) for administrators (Administration > My Employees > select an employee > Pays > Direct Deposit) for direct deposit accounts. Selecting Archive instead of Delete saves the historical data and allows you to create a new Available Balance account, if needed. The Fall Release enhancement now follows your approval setup for Add/Change/Delete a direct deposit, if you require approval for direct deposit changes, archiving an account will require approval. Please see the attached SOP to learn more!



Preferred Name Enhancements – Requires Manual Activation

Previously, in the Employee record, you would view an employees Preferred Name by default, and the Legal Name was hidden. This feature also caused a view that would duplicate employee preferred names, and impact the results when searching for an employee. A System Setting toggle has been introduced that, when enabled, will display the Legal Name on the ‘Employee Summary’ and the ‘Name, Address, and Telephone’ pages within the Employee record. This setting will only display the Legal Name for Administrators. Please see the attached SOP that highlights the enhancements.

Browser Compatibility

The following browsers and browser versions are supported:

Chrome – 104

Edge – 104

Safari – 15.5

Firefox – 102

If your employees use the UKG Pro mobile app, they will need to use one of the following operating systems and versions:

Android – Version 7 or Greater

iOS – Version 13 or Greater

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