PlanSource HCM – Fall 2023 Release Coming November 9th!
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PlanSource HCM – Fall 2023 Release Coming November 9th!

PlanSource HCM’s Spring release is scheduled to be released on November 9th! Included in this upgrade are several enhancements, updates, and new features designed to make the system more user-friendly and functional. Several of these items were implemented directly from client feedback and suggestions. Please see the below highlights for the Fall 2023 Release:

Smart Dashboard Enhancements – Requires Manual Activation

We’re continuing to deliver new functionality for the landing page in your Smart Dashboard. See personalized information at the right time like your team’s birthdays and anniversaries, interact with colleagues using our new chat functionality, create your own shortcuts, see what tasks are in your inbox, get a list of suggested pages using artificial intelligence, and much more! NOTE: You are able to switch between the Smart and Classic Dashboard if the Smart Dashboard is enabled. If the Smart Dashboard is not enabled in your system, please reach out to HCM Support to ask us to assist in enabling it.

Search Employee Pays – Requires Manual Activation

A new Search employee pays card on the Payroll Gateway page will give administrators the ability to search and access employee checks in pay data entry without having to search solely via pay group. You’ll be able to create regular pays, additional pays, and instant checks for your employees across pay groups all at once.

Handling Partial Direct Deposits – Requires Manual Activation

Employers will be able to choose to have funds populated based on an established priority order until pay is exhausted, when multiple accounts are configured for direct deposits with a flat amount. Previously, if an employee did not have enough pay to cover an account, funds would be deposited in the available balance account. Employers can now choose to follow this behavior or have it follow the employee’s priority order.

Edit New Hire & Rehire Workflows – Requires Manual Activation

You’ll soon have the option to edit existing new hire and rehire workflows that are pending approval. Instead of canceling or resubmitting the workflow request, you’ll be able to edit the pending transaction and update the employee’s information before it’s approved. This will prevent errors for administrators when updating numerous fields and tabs while processing new hires or rehires in the UKG Pro solution.

Changes to Password Security – Enabled Automatically

There are changes that will impact the passwords users will have to setup and use moving forward. NOTE: There is NO WAY to change the following password settings.

  • Password Complexity – the number of times a character can be repeated consecutively when changing passwords is set to 4
  • Change Password – a password cannot be changed more than 3 times within a 24-hour period
  • First Login – users must change a default password within 30 days of their first login​
  • Account Inactivity – accounts that have not been logged in to for 180 days will be set to Inactive
  • Account Lockout – account status is set to Restricted for 30 minutes after 5 consecutive failed login attempts
  • Maximum Password Age – users must change their password at least once every 180 days
  • Password History – users are restricted from reusing any of the last 24 passwords

Browser Compatibility

The following browsers and browser versions are supported:

Chrome – 109

Edge – 109

Safari – 15.5

Firefox – 102

If your employees use the UKG Pro mobile app, they will need to use one of the following operating systems and versions:

Android – Version 7 or Greater

iOS – Version 13 or Greater

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