PlanSource HCM – Spring 2023 Release Coming May 11th!
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PlanSource HCM – Spring 2023 Release Coming May 11th!

PlanSource HCM’s Spring release is scheduled to be released on May 11th! Included in this upgrade are several enhancements, updates, and new features designed to make the system more user-friendly and functional. Several of these items were implemented directly from client feedback and suggestions. Please see the below highlights for the Spring 2023 Release:

Edit Job, Salary, and Termination Workflows – Requires Manual Activation

You’ll soon gain the ability to edit existing job, salary, or termination workflows when pending approval. Instead of canceling or resubmitting the workflow request, you’ll have a new option to edit the pending transaction in order to update the employee’s information before it’s approved.

Enhanced Pro-Rate Pay – Requires Manual Activation

Save time and manual changes with a payroll enhancement that allows your auto-paid employees to be prorated based on the percentage of days they’ve worked in the pay period. The functionality includes mid-period changes for items like pay rate updates for hired, rehired, or terminated employees with a weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly and monthly pay frequency.

View Status Changes in Job History – Requires Manual Activation

Employers can now access a single view of an employee’s full chronological history with the company by including employment status history changes on the Job History page. Previously, employment status changes were only displayed in the Status History page and job changes were only displayed in the Job History page. Please see the attached guides on the new job history view in the UKG Pro web and the Mobile App.

Name Pronunciation Feature – Requires Manual Activation

Foster a welcoming culture by helping employees and managers pronounce their colleagues’ names correctly. The Name Pronunciation feature coming to your UKG Pro solution and UKG Pro mobile app will provide users with the option to add a phonetic spelling of their name to the employee profile page and the employee directory.

Revamped Smart Dashboard – Enabled Automatically

To give you and your people easy access to important information in a streamlined layout, your UKG Pro Smart Dashboard—also known as your Home page—will get a fresh design. This change will also lay the groundwork for future improvements that will make the Smart Dashboard your one-stop home base for all your UKG solutions.

Security Changes – Some Automatic/Some Require Manual Activation

Coming with this release are several changes and enhancements to your Security settings within the system. Some of these will require access to the Multi-Factor Authentication section under Security. If this access is needed, you will need to contact our service team to be granted access.

Allowing Trusted Devices for MFA – Requires Manual Activation

If you are using Multi-Factor Authentication then you can enable a feature to have employees mark their device as trusted. This will allow them to bypass the need for an MFA token for the selected time range. Right now the options are for either 1 or 7 days. Once the option is used by that employee and they login successfully, they won’t have to use the MFA token for the selected number of days past that login. After that amount of time has passed, they will need to use the MFA token again to refresh the trusted device option when logging in.

Restricting MFA for only Specific User Roles – Requires Manual Activation

Right now if MFA is enabled then all users have to request a code when logging in. With this change, only specific user roles can be setup to need that MFA token when logging in. This can be helpful if you have a large workforce that doesn’t have access to phones or email when needing to login but want the security applied to those with access to sensitive data.

Changes to Password Security – Enabled Automatically

There are changes that will impact the passwords users will have to setup and use moving forward. NOTE: There is NO WAY to change the following password settings.

  • The minimum length of a password has been increased to 15 characters. This will be reflected when setting up a password as part of the requirements. However the current max length is defaulted to 8 characters so many users will need to create longer passwords than they are used to
  • The number of previous passwords that cannot be used has increased from the last 9 to the last 24. This means the 24 most recently used passwords will not be usable when setting up a new password even if the passwords were used before this policy was changed

Browser Compatibility

The following browsers and browser versions are supported:

Chrome – 109

Edge – 109

Safari – 15.5

Firefox – 102

If your employees use the UKG Pro mobile app, they will need to use one of the following operating systems and versions:

Android – Version 7 or Greater

iOS – Version 13 or Greater

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