2023 Student Loan Payroll Deduction
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2023 Student Loan Payroll Deduction

As the anticipated restart of Department of Education Student Loan repayment approaches, we have been in touch with the Department of Education to ensure proper handling of impacted student loan deductions.

For now, all qualified Student Loan repayments continue to be in a STOPPED status within UKG Pro. Once we receive updated or new orders from the Department of Education, we will reactivate the deductions and comply to the updated and/or new orders issued. If you begin to receive any orders directly, please send those copies to our attention so we may review them and take the appropriate action. As always, garnishment notices and correspondence should be sent to hcmservice@plansource.com.

More information on the Student Loan repayment suspension and restart is available at: https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/covid-19#repayment-prep

If you have ANY questions, please contact the HCM Service Team at 407-447-3837 or via email: hcmservice@plansource.com

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