Verify Employee Information

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Verify Employee Information

Engage your employees to review and correct any issues with their personal information or pay history before W2’s are generated. Encourage emoployees to log into the web portal to review the following items:

  • Home address
  • Taxes and taxable wages withheld year-to-date
  • Full Name match to Social Security Card
  • Social Security Number
  • W4 Form selections

Due to the changes to 2018 withholding tables and rates, the IRS recommends employees use the Withholding Calculator at to determine if they have the correct elections on the W4 before the end of the year. Employees may find recommended changes to withholdings for the final pay dates of 2018.

Have you used Community Broadcast? Year-End is a great time to leverage this powerful tool to easily communicate with your employees. CLICK HERE for instructions on how to contact all of your employees through the HCM web portal.

We have drafted a template employee flyer encouraging employees to “go green” and opt-in to paperless W2s. It also outlines the actions they should take to ensure accurate W2’s this tax season. You can find the employee flyer template here:

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