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Employee Leave – Recommended Actions

How to suspend PTO accruals, Arrears, Pay for employee

Important Considerations:

  • Should the hours be recorded as Unpaid Leave for ACA Measurement?
    • If so, you will need an Unpaid Leave earning code and hours should be added to this code during the employee’s leave.
  • Earnings with offsetting deductions, such as GTIMP, should be updated manually in the employee record to reflect a start date = to the return to work date
  • If the employee needs arrears to accumulate, do not delete the check or suspend pay. Create a 0.00 earning and let the check process through payroll so the system can capture arrears.
  • If using the suspend pay & arrears options, both dates must be populated for the system to suspend pay and/or PTO accruals.
    • The dates must cover the entire pay periods.
    • For example if the pay period end date is 08/15, the suspend to date should be 08/16 or later. The Suspend From date must be before the start of the pay period and the Suspend To date must be after the end of the pay period.

Most Common Scenario (Click on appropriate ee type for detailed instructions)

Employee should NOT be paid, but SHOULD calculate Arrears

Hourly Employee

Salary Employee


Hourly Employee – Leave of Absence


  1. Update employee status from Active to Leave of Absence in HRIS Core:
    • Employee Record > Employee Summary > “Change Status” under Things I Can Do
  1. Update employee status in Time & Labor to LOA to ensure they are not included on an LOA status.
    • Review time export filter to EXCLUDE employees on Leave of Absence when generating payroll export files
      1. This will ensure pre-approved PTO or holiday pay are not included in payroll inadvertently.
  1. Review employee Earning codes for imputed income (GTIMP, DMIMP, etc.); earning codes with an offset deduction are for taxation purposes only
    • Update the Start Date for these earning codes to the employee’s Return Date; this will ensure it is not included in payroll until the employee’s return.
      1. Note: If a mass push of benefit information is made (New Plan Year, benefit recalc, etc) this start date will be overridden.
    • If an employee on leave has an unresolved payroll item due to insufficient earnings, the start date will need to be updated for the imputed amounts.
  1. Review employee deductions to determine if they need a “per-pay cap” in place upon their return to work to limit the amount of arrears captured in the first check(s)
    • Ex: Medical arrears could build to over $1,000. You can set a per-pay cap in the deduction equal to the EE ded amount + $200 to ensure the employee receives some net pay and also pays toward arrears buckets.
    • Click on a deduction to edit > Calculations Screen: Select Flat Amount under Per Pay Cap and enter in the appropriate amount. Save.

Following the steps above will ensure the employee has a payroll record in each batch during leave, which will allow arrears to accrue on applicable deduction codes.

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Salary Employee – Leave of Absence


  1. Update employee status from Active to Leave of Absence in HRIS Core:
    • Employee Record > Employee Summary > “Change Status” under Things I Can Do
  1. Uncheck the “Pay Automatically” box for the employee. (This will need to be re-checked upon return.)
    • Employee Record > Personal Tab > Status & Key Dates > Edit > Uncheck Pay Automatically > Save.
  1. Review employee Earning codes for imputed income (GTIMP, DMIMP, etc.); earning codes with an offset deduction are for taxation purposes only
    • Update the Start Date for these earning codes to the employee’s Return Date; this will ensure it is not included in payroll until the employee’s return.
      1. Note: If a mass push of benefit information is made (New Plan Year, benefit recalc, etc) this start date will be overridden.
    • If an employee on leave has an unresolved payroll item due to insufficient earnings, the start date will need to be updated for the imputed amounts.
  1. Review employee deductions to determine if they need a “per-pay cap” in place upon their return to work to limit the amount of arrears captured in the first check(s)
    • Ex: Medical arrears could build to over $1,000. You can set a per-pay cap in the deduction equal to the EE ded amount + $200 to ensure the employee receives some net pay and also pays toward arrears buckets. (ie: EE amt = $395; per pay cap set to $595 to deduct additional $200; must be done for EACH deduction set to capture arrears)
    • Click on a deduction to edit > Calculations Screen: Select Flat Amount under Per Pay Cap and enter in the appropriate amount. Save.
    • Cap will remain in place indefinitely and additional deductions will cease when arrears bucket is reduced to $0
  2. Review roles & workflow to determine if delegation of approvals is required in the HRIS Core
  3. Make applicable updates to supervisors as needed to ensure approvals are available while a manager is on leave (Time & Labor, ExactHire, Performance, etc.)

Following the steps above will ensure the employee has a payroll record in each batch during leave, which will allow arrears to accrue on applicable deduction codes.


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Employee should NOT be paid, and should NOT calculate Arrears

Applies to employees who opt to pay for premiums while on leave; these payments are not recorded in payroll and are not pre-tax.

Navigate to:

  • Employee Record > Personal > Status/Status Key Dates > Enter “suspend from” and “suspend to” dates for PTO Benefits, Arrears or Pay > Save


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