Spring Release – Multi-Factor Authentication – REQUIRED UPDATE – Coming May 16th!

To add additional layers of security, UKG will require all users with a Manager or Administrator role to use Multi-Factor Authentication* (MFA) to login into the UKG application.

  1. MFA is a security protocol that requires more than one method of authentication.
  2. MFA creates additional layers of validation to prevent unauthorized access.
  3. Two-Factor Authentication is a type of MFA which requires two layers to access.

What this means for you and your organization:

Users will log in, select their MFA delivery method, and enter the code provided once it’s delivered via their delivery method of choice. The login flow will appear like the below as any user is signing into UKG. Managers/Administrators cannot be made exempt from the mandate. ALL system users who can see or access other employees will be required to use MFA. Please ensure all managers/administrators have a valid primary phone number or email present on their UKG profile to receive a security code for login. If employees need to utilize UKG during their workday, the device used to retrieve the code must be accessible to users in their work environment.

  • All employee level roles will have MFA enabled on May 16th, 2024. Employees WILL have the option to be exempt from utilizing MFA. If you would like to opt-out employees, please contact the HCM Service Team prior to the Spring Release date of May 16th.
  • If you will be requiring employees to utilize MFA, they will be required to reauthenticate their device every 7 days per device. Managers and administrators will be required to reauthenticate their device each day. Once they login the next day MFA will be required again.
  • If your organization is using Single Sign-On (SSO), or Federated SSO, these policies do not apply to you.
  • The same requirements highlighted above, also apply to the UKG Mobile App. If an employee has setup biometric security via the Mobile App, the user will have to MFA once they login, but then the user will be able to use biometric security for the reminder of the day.

We will continue to provide any updates regarding Multi-Factor Authentication and other release highlights as we near our Spring Release for 2024. If you have any questions/concerns on the MFA impact to your organization, please contact the HCM Service Team at 407-447-3837 or via email: hcmservice@plansource.com

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