Exciting New Feature Updates – My Inbox!

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Exciting New Feature Updates – My Inbox!

The new inbox, My Inbox, provides a consolidated list of messages and actionable tasks. My Inbox organizes inbox items into three tabs: To do, Waiting, and Done. Each tab includes a list of tasks on the left and the details of a selected task on the right.

Note: Existing requests within your Inbox WILL NOT transfer to “My Inbox”. Both Inboxes can be active at once for a short time to ensure all requests are approved. It is not recommended to have both inboxes active as a long-term solution.

Improve your efficiency in your UKG Pro® solution with new tools for organizing your inbox thanks to an update now available. New improvements include:

  • Fresh options for marking messages. Seamlessly sort through My Inbox messages by leveraging new options that will allow you to mark messages as read or unread.
  • Enhanced flagging selections. Administrators will be able to flag messages as important so they can filter for specific messages when they have time to respond.

See the attached SOP on how to utilize My Inbox and the new exciting upgrades to make this feature a staple in your everyday HCM workday.

Please reach out to the HCM Service Team to activate My Inbox!

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